Google Drive

Basic Google Drive
Uploading existing files 
Converting Uploaded documents for editing (Click here if you are having problems uploading)

Advanced Google Drive
Create, manage and monitor student work through Google Drive

Use rubrics through Google Drive for assessing student projects

Create and Grade quizzes through Google Drive with "Forms"
-Get Flubaroo by clicking on tools, script gallery. 
Using Flubaroo
Post: Forms, Flubaroo, and charts

Voice Commenting with Kaizena
Go to Kaizena
Setting up Kaizena (tutorial)
Click here to see how Kaizena works (tutorial)
Using the Kaizena Short Cut (tutorial)
Try it! My Kaizena Profile

Google Chrome
Pin Tabs
Incognito Mode

Google Classroom
Google's brand new classroom management system.

Google Keep
Use Google Keep to stay organized
iPhone App: TurboNote (Apple app store link)

Google Moderator
Google Moderator

1 comment:

RD said...

Great site Dan. Very helpful. I would have liked to show the cartoon to my staff at the beginning of the year. Great way to show them visually!