Monday, December 8, 2014

Book Study: "Teach Like a Pirate"

Starting in January, I will be offering a book study on the book "Teach Like a Pirate" by Dave Burgess. This is being done through USF so you can receive a credit for continuing ed. This book focuses on the PIRATE acronym and finding your inner pirate to teach with passion, creativity, and enthusiasm. The class will be a hybrid: face to face and online. There will be 4 face to face meetings and various online discussion prompts/twitter chats. We will even be able to skype with the author himself! 

Email me with questions you may have. 

Even if you do not want to take the book study, I still strongly encourage you to read the book. 

The book study begins January 6th after school in my room.
Email Marge Hauser ( if you are interested in signing up. 

Link to buy the book HERE

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