Hello to you all from quarantine. I hope you are all staying healthy and safe. I hope you are all being productive and not going too stir crazy during these weird/unprecedented times. My daily life has become defined by repetition: Wake up, make my Iced Caramel Latte, go on my computer, eat oatmeal with brown sugar, make Hazel breakfast, read, watch movies, watch Netflix, play with Hazel, talk to the girls, do our dribble workouts, eat, eat, eat. However, one aspect of my life that I have been able to continue is going for runs outside. And it was one of these such runs that I observed a tremendous lesson in perseverance. No, not me pushing through my run, but a subtle item that anyone passing by would surely miss.
When I go for a run, I take the exact same route every time. During one such run, I noticed a green poker chip laying by the curb. I didn't think much of it. But as I continued to run and I would look to see if the green poker chip was still there. It began to give me something to look forward to each day - would the green poker chip still be there? This started back in January. It is the end of March. Yesterday, while on my run, I once again saw the green poker chip. But this time, I stopped and picked it up, for it represents a tremendous profile in perseverance and I wanted to keep it. Just think - since January, through all the snow, wind, rain, street sweepers, etc. it remained. It remained undeterred in the face of mother nature, throwing everything she had at the green poker chip to make it go away. But yet, it persisted. So it may just seem like an insignificant, plain, old green poker chip. But let me tell you, people, it is so much more than that. It is perseverance - through and through. Perhaps it was placed on that road for a reason because of the times we find ourselves in. We must persevere - not through something difficult, but through much boredom. We are not wired to sit at home and do nothing. We are too accustomed to the faced paced way of life - so now with all that crashing down around us - we must persevere through this boredom and inaction - because if we don't, if we fall to the temptation to return to normal too soon, this will never end and we will never get out of this boredom. If the green poker chip can persevere through all that it has, surely we can too. Be safe. Stay well.
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