Scribble Maps is a great mapping tool that allows the user to create interactive maps and share them via email, image, link, directory, or embed code. They can even be shared via social media such as Facebook and Twitter. You do not need to create an account to use Scribble Maps. To create a scribble maps, simply go to the site and click "create map." The maps you make are saved and you can access them and edit them via a password you set for each unique map. Each map is given a unique Map ID so you can share the ID and the password to allow others to colalborate on the map with you. Scribble Maps has a variety of tools such as: draw, scribble, lines, measurement, place markings, text, boxes, circles, etc. You can also upload pictures to place on your maps as well.
Scribble Maps would be a great tool to use when planning a route or trip. It could be use in many ways in any history/geography class. Perhaps your students are reading a book that invovles some sort of trip or journey? You can use scribble maps to make that route come alive and see it in an interactive way. I encourage you to check out Scribble Maps and see how it could help you in your class.
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